July 22, 2004

TV News

I am not a television news type. I am a throwback (which is not the same as a toss-back, thank you very much). I get my news by getting my hands smeared with news print or by clicking through the web. I may have to reconsider, especially if it means I am missing moments like this with "Shepard Smith, the clean-shorn host of the No. 1–rated Fox Report":

But it was on the set of The Fox Report in November 2002 that Mr. Smith became infamous among cable news watchers for his gaffe involving Jennifer Lopez. In a story about her hit song "Jenny From the Block" and the reaction it was getting from her childhood neighborhood in the Bronx, Mr. Smith was prompted to read that they were more likely to "give her a curb job than a block party."

But it turned out to be a real mouthful, and the hapless anchor instead read that J. Lo’s neighbors were more likely to "give her a curb job than a blowjob."

Now that's great television.


Posted by Random Penseur at July 22, 2004 09:04 AM

rofl! that's hilarious. I don't search for the news, too much crime and violence I don't want to hear about.

Posted by: Holly at July 22, 2004 09:35 AM

Strikes me as anatomically impossible unless J.Lo is holding back on us.
Might explain the rapid dissolution of her marriages.

Posted by: stolypin at July 24, 2004 02:18 PM
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