January 03, 2005

I have returned

Back from Guatemala, safe and sound, with a tan and no worse for the wear. The in laws were well behaved, I was well behaved, even the children were well behaved.

Actually, before I continue, a quick Girl Child interchange from our last day there. I was reading when the GC came running over to bother me about something. She plopped down on the chair next to me and looked at me expectantly. We had the following conversation:

Me: What are you doing here? Why aren't you in the pool?

GC: They won't let me swim.

Me: Why not?

GC: I don't know.

Me: Well, go forth and gather some information and I'll see if I can't solve your problem, ok?

GC: Ok! [runs off and then returns]. They say I can't swim because I keep splashing people.

Me: Fine. Tell them you won't splash anymore and then they ought to let you swim. [she runs off again]

GC: They still won't let me swim! I THOUGHT you were going to SOLVE my problem!

Doomed, I am. Simply doomed.

In any event, New Year's Eve was fun. We arrived home from Guatemala on the 31st at around 1:00 a.m. I slept for a couple of hours and went into the office for a little bit. Then picked up some supplies and headed home because we were expecting some friends for dinner and a sleep over. Good thing they slept over, by the way. Four adults consumed, over the course of the evening, several tequillas, 5 bottles of wine, and some aged rum. A fun time was had by all.

We spent Sunday at the Bronx Zoo with the children and it was lovely to watch them run around and get excited by all the animals. The monkey house was, as always, a big hit and the Boy Child was practically beside himself..

Today is the big day my wife goes in to resign her current position. She received a job offer while we were gone in Guatemala for a job she thinks will be cool, for a company poised for growth, and which will offer good visibility since it reports directly to the Chief Financial Officer. In case you can't tell, this is good news.

She has decided to accept this job because we are not moving to Miami. The position was offered to someone else. No, I don't know why but I plan on speaking to them to find out. I was, on balance, a bit disappointed. Not the end of the world, but a bit disappointed just the same. See, here's the thing. I like corporate litigation. I like the issues and I really like doing fraud cases. I would have very much wanted to do this work where I had the power to put some people in jail. Now, I am just a cost of doing business. But with the power of the federal government behind me, I am a threat. So, life goes on. In fact, it goes on in a really busy way. This will be, I am told, a very high pressure first quarter of the year at the office and won't be any easier at home with the wife taking a new job. Something has to give somewhere, so I've decided to put the children up for adoption. Just kidding. Actually, adoption will be the subject of my next post so this makes a nice lead in.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. Thank you all for the comments you left while I was gone. I enjoyed reading them. When I get a little time, I will post some pictures I took in Guatemala.

Posted by Random Penseur at January 3, 2005 09:04 AM

welcome back
so glad to hear your trip was enjoyable.
and yes.....i agree
you are doomed.

Posted by: standing naked at January 3, 2005 11:30 AM

Welcome back, RP. Sorry to hear about the Miami thing, but something else will come up, I'm sure. Glad to hear the wife is taking a cool job...at least someone is. :-)


Posted by: Howard at January 3, 2005 11:30 AM

Glad you're back, Random! Good bloggers have been slim pickins lately. Sorry about the position going to another, but I'm a big believer in things happening for reasons we don't understand at first. Maybe something even better is in the wings. :-)

Posted by: Amber at January 3, 2005 12:46 PM

Hi Ho!!
Welcome back!!! I certainly have missed reading your perspective on things-be it NYC or the world. I agree with Amber re: Miami, something better is on its way!! You really wanted to live in Miami?? How is your Spanish??
Peace and prosperity to you and yours in 2005.

Posted by: Azalea at January 3, 2005 02:45 PM

Wow, sounds like you had a great end of the year and already an exciting start to the new year. As I have already said to someone else, I am hoping for a little less uneventful year this time around.

Unfortunately, my new year's eve was not full of alcohol because of being under the weather. It's just as well. Watching all my drunk friends was just as entertaining. :) My husband brought some Patron (since we're talking tequilla) to the party...so that was his choice of spirits.

I love going to the zoo with kids. It makes the whole trip full of wonder again.

Sorry about Miami, but really psyched about the wife's new job. Mazel Tov!

Welcome back!

Posted by: Linda at January 3, 2005 02:57 PM

Doomed, indeed. But you'll enjoy the trip, I'm sure!

As for the job thing: I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. So, for that situation, I will just state for the record that this OBVIOUSLY means there's something better in store for you. Just wait and see! :)

Pollyanna (heh)

Posted by: Margi at January 3, 2005 08:59 PM

Welcome home RP!! Glad you had a grand time.

Posted by: Holly at January 3, 2005 09:14 PM

Thanks for all the nice welcome home wishes!

And frankly, I am kind of relieved that I did not get the job, although I would have really liked the work.

Posted by: RP at January 6, 2005 08:50 AM
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