March 22, 2005

Oggi, oggi, oggi, oggi, oi, oi oi (spelling guessed at)


Yay, Wales! I am informed that the title of this post is a cheer at Welsh rugby matches (if informed incorrectly, please let me know). Among the things I did in London was spend two hours in a pub on a beautiful day drinking with friends and watching as Wales beat up on Ireland in the finals of the Six Nations Rugby Tournament (also caught the end of France/Italy). It used to be the Five Nations. In fact, the Five Celtic Nations. Now Italy's joined. Let's just say the Italian Rugby Team has a ways to go.

This is the first time since 1978 that Wales has won the tournament with a grand slam (all the matches). The first time in 22 years that they have managed to beat Ireland at home in Wales. Wales exploded in joy after the match.


And it was a very exciting match, too.


Rugby is an excellent sport to watch. You cannot believe, if you’ve never seen it, how fast and strong the top players are. And how they fling themselves about with almost no regard for their personal safety. There was quite a bit of blood on the field. Oh, and injury care? That seemed mostly to involve a 30 second application of an ice pack. That's it.

My favorite anecdote about 6 Nations? The Welsh team is sponsored by Brains beer and wear, on their shirts, the name: Brains.


The French prohibit advertising on the pitch so the Welsh replaced the word Brains on their jerseys with the word: Brawn. Excellent, no?

So, join me and lift a glass to the 2005 Six Nations Rugby Champions!

Posted by Random Penseur at March 22, 2005 02:55 PM

Well, welcome back Penseur.
I must say I've never been a rugby fan, and what I know of it fringes on the outskirts of my memory. So, I'll look it up.
By the way, I think the way you've set up your Categories is great. I may try that on my blog...if If ever post more often.

Posted by: Jester at March 23, 2005 09:35 PM

Welcome home RP, Two (of the many) things I loved about the Welsh when I lived in the UK were hymns and rugby . . . and if you ever get a chance to see the Welsh team play in Wales you can hear them sing "Bread of Heaven" at the match. (You gotta be there.) I remember hitchhiking from London back up to Manchester around 1973 or so. Picked up by a Welsh truck/lorry driver and of course the talk turned to rugby. He asked if I'd ever been to Cardiff Arms Park (the old national rugby ground). I said no and the next thing you know we detoured (and quite a detour it was) to Cardiff so we could drive around the stadium, drop in on his wife to introduce me . . . and back in the truck and up to Manchester. Bottom line RP . . . I always root for Wales!!!
Cheers, Ivan

Posted by: Ivan at March 25, 2005 12:19 AM
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