March 28, 2005

Buy/Sell and Sell/Buy: The difference?

The difference is the amount of stress and the sheer terror that sometimes accompanies the purchase of a new house and the immediate, and chilling, obligation to get your current house in shape and on the market. I have spent the day alternating between stressed out, temple throbbing, chest pounding anxiety and fatalistic acceptance that I am slowly pushing down a major commitment which will absolutely, no question about it, be a big mistake. Why a big mistake? Because at least right now, in my current house, I understand and appreciate what I don't like and what is not suitable. In a new house, in a new town, and in the state next door, all that is unforeseen and unappreciated. Besides, I think that deep down I really loathe change. Also, I pretty much hate debt and debt is a new best buddy.

Hence my silence today. Too much time being freaked out and unhappy. I have also done no work today of any kind professionally speaking.

Did I mention that we found a house that we really loved this weekend and can't quite afford but are planning to buy anyway? I may have left that out.

Posted by Random Penseur at March 28, 2005 04:31 PM

"alternating between stressed out, temple throbbing, chest pounding anxiety and fatalistic acceptance that I am slowly pushing down a major commitment which will absolutely, no question about it, be a big mistake."

You are describing the exact emotional process I went through with this apartment. Perhaps that's why I still live here 15 years later?

Posted by: michele at March 28, 2005 06:01 PM

deep breath

a long...slow...deep...breath

Posted by: standing naked at March 28, 2005 06:51 PM

"...we found a house that we really loved this weekend and can't quite afford but are planning to buy anyway?"

Isn't that the American way? Congrats, RP. Can I have your old one?

Posted by: Howard at March 28, 2005 07:00 PM

Find your happy place, RP. It's somewhere in the Berkshires, right?

Posted by: Jim at March 29, 2005 10:01 AM

Howard, you really want the old one? I'd be happy to talk about it. :)

Michelle, I think you know how I feel at this point.

No, Jim, I don't think I have a happy place anymore. Maybe bed. With the covers pulled over my freaking head.

Posted by: RP at March 29, 2005 10:53 AM

If it's your dream home... go for it! :)

What are the Berkshires?

You can tell I don't know much about da city. :-P

Posted by: Hannah at March 29, 2005 02:13 PM

Oop! Can't believe I missed this post. So, where are ya headed?!!!

Posted by: Tuning Spork at March 29, 2005 11:06 PM
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