I'm off to the doctor this morning, so, while I'm gone, I leave you this picture I took in London (I'm finally going to get around to posting some of these):
Nice pic. They'd be more impressive if their hats were symmetric. You know, the guy on the left needs to even out the top of his and pull it down a bit to match the guy on the right.
Not that I have OCD or anything.
Posted by: Kelly at April 28, 2005 09:42 AMyes, they could take lessons from the Rockettes.
Posted by: GrammarQueen at April 28, 2005 10:28 AMIf the guy on the right pulls his down any further it won't be a hat - it'll be a peter heater!
Posted by: Mark at April 29, 2005 02:51 PMMy mother, may she rest in peace, came to England to visit me. I took her down to London and she got up one morning to go see the changing of the guard. She got so wrapped up taking pictures as the troop marched back to the barracks . . . she kept walking and taking pictures that she ended up in their compound. (This was a couple of decades before security concerns would have prevented it.) She said they were quite nice to her and chatted to her as one of them gently took her by the elbow and guided her out of the compound and back onto the street. You had to know my mother (think Doris Roberts) to understand that this was not an entirely unusual event for her . . . but one I always think of when I think back on here. :-)
Oh, and nice photo!
Thanks for the story, Ivan. It was a good one!
Mark, you need to get out more often. :)
Posted by: RP at April 30, 2005 07:08 AM"Mark, you need to get out more often. :)"
Fear of this is precisely what has the local constabulary on edge.
Posted by: Mark at April 30, 2005 05:38 PMAnd I thought their uniforms were red. Nice pic; can they really see anything?
Posted by: Rachel Ann at May 1, 2005 04:13 AMRachel Ann - It could well be that the uniforms above belong to a different regiment than we ordinarily see - It is, apparently, not always the same regiment that guards BP and the royal family.
Posted by: Mark at May 1, 2005 11:51 AM