October 08, 2005

Up too early?

Do not rely on television during the in-between hours to provide anything approaching diversion. Up at 3:30 and not because you're slipping out of someone's bed who you just met three hours earlier at a party? Don't turn on the television. I feel as if I've taken a bullet for you all here. Sports Center can only be watched for so long. Dating programs, Blind Date and Elimidate, are just, what, disturbing? An outlet for behavior that I otherwise don't get to see a lot? If this kind of behavior passes for normal these days, than I lead a sheltered life. Its hard to look away, like a bad car accident is fascinating.

Actually, I have to say, the advertisements they run during these programs are really interesting. Feminine hygine products. Chat dating. Internet dating. Internet services. Other dating program promos. Fast food. Breath products. Most of them with a sexual theme. You can sort of reason backwards, reverse engineer, if you will, the typical viewer of these programs. I have to conclude that the typical viewer, the target market, may be a lonely woman with bad breath who has bad periods and likes Taco Bell while shopping for a new cell phone plan to use while chatting on singles' lines because her acne is too bad to date in person.

I have to say that I didn't even know programs like these existed before I turned on the television this morning to see how the Yankees did last night. Um, not well, as it turned out. When I want to bed, they were tied. When I woke up, the Angels had clearly turned it on. Still, there is at least one game left to play in New York. Unlike in Boston. Sorry, Mark. Seriously.

Anyway, off for more tea.

By the way, in case you were wondering, my grandfather has responded very well to the antibiotics and appears to be doing much, much better.

Posted by Random Penseur at October 8, 2005 05:04 AM | TrackBack

"a lonely woman with bad breath who has bad periods and likes Taco Bell while shopping for a new cell phone plan to use while chatting on singles' lines because her acne is too bad to date in person."

Besides you, who the hell else would be watching tv at that hour??? This is what we refer to as "seeking lower companionship". LOL

Posted by: Mark at October 8, 2005 09:31 AM

Thanks for keeping us abreast of your grandfather's condition. I'm so glad he's responding. I will pray for him to completely recover. :-)

As for those shows you mentioned...ugh, I've watched the dating dhows before too and they really are terrible, aren't they? If that is truly what singles act like, no wonder everyone's bitching so much about finding "The Right One".

There's so much ego and posturing and a downright lack of ethics and morals and intelligence, how can you possibly find a mate amongst such dreck? Sad.

But funny post the way you wrote it! Thanks.

Posted by: Amber at October 8, 2005 12:26 PM

Bart: Who's watching TV at 3 o'clock in the morning?
Homer: Alcoholics, the unemployable, angry loners...
--Mr. Plow

Posted by: Tuning Spork at October 8, 2005 01:03 PM

Ummm... I've been the unfortunate viewer of those infomercials etc. at 3 in the morning after coming home from a gig. They are sad to say the least, and the worst are the scantily clad poorly acted out sex lines, where do they get these girls, and why is there cellulite?

Oh, and glad your Grandfather is doing better.

Posted by: Oorgo at October 8, 2005 07:27 PM
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