March 16, 2006

The School of the Subway

You learn stuff taking the subway that you never, ever could have the opportunity to learn by taking a taxi to and from Court. I went to/from Court yesterday on an emergency application by taxi and learned nothing. Parenthetically, the client called me at 8:30 that morning with his very real, very serious emergency and by 4:00 I was at the court house with an 18 page complaint, three affidavits and an order to show cause with a temporary restraining order. Now, that's an example of service-oriented, can-do legal practice, my friends. But, back to the subway.

Today I was not in a hurry. I could take the subway, which was faster anyway at rush hour, and I could observe away to my heart's content. And today I learned.

I learned an important difference between men and women, today. There are differences, you know. Some of them rather critical. This is one that I never knew although I might have suspected. Curious? Want me to share my hard earned wisdom with you? Ok.

A nicely dressed woman on the subway in New York City will never, no matter how hard she was digging away in there, no matter how much force was applied to the problem, no matter how great the effort expanded to obtain a successful resolution -- she will never eat her own boogers. I can't say the same about a man.

Interesting what you can learn on the subway, ain't it?

Posted by Random Penseur at March 16, 2006 03:12 PM | TrackBack


Posted by: d at March 16, 2006 05:18 PM

NO but she may pull at her underwear that's lodged in her buttcrack...

Posted by: Oorgo at March 16, 2006 06:22 PM

Well, not as long as YOU ARE WATCHING she won't!


Posted by: Margi at March 17, 2006 02:23 AM
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