I have finally gotten the children to bed. We called Mamma at the "hobspital" on my cell phone, put her on speaker, and included her in the good night stories and the songs. The kids sang Norwegian children's songs for her and I think she melted.
I am beat. I drove down to the hospital this morning and had breakfast with my wife. Then trained into the city to go to work for a couple of hours and returned in the late afternoon. After another visit and a consultation with her doctor, I drove home to take the kids.
The doctor was interesting. Basically, my wife is getting worse, trending from mild to severe. The blood pressure is up and rising and the other issues are going the same way. If it weren't for the gestational diabetes, they would have induced labor already. Why wait? With gestational diabetes there are lung maturation issues. You see, complication upon complication. What we are going to do, assuming she stays the same, is to have an amnio again tomorrow morning to check for lung maturation on the baby. If the lungs are mature, they induce right away. If the lungs are not quite ready, and my wife is stable, they will try to delay the process for a couple of extra days. If, however, my wife begins to get worse, they induce, regardless of lung maturity status. Either way, we're getting a baby by the end of the week.
Thank you, all of you, for your good wishes, kind thoughts, and your prayers. I appreciate them all. I don't have the time right now to personally answer each one, as I am sure you understand, but I read them all and am grateful.
Posted by Random Penseur at April 3, 2006 08:03 PM | TrackBackDon't forget to take care of yourself, RP. When your Viking Bride and new baby come home, things will get even busier. Sending best wishes as always to everyone.
Posted by: Jocelyn at April 3, 2006 08:42 PMWhat a wonderful father, husband, and man you are.
Continuing prayers and good thoughts.
Love to you all.
Posted by: Chrissy at April 3, 2006 09:00 PM((*Hugs*)) Sending all good thoughts to you and your family.
Posted by: DogsDontPurr at April 3, 2006 09:35 PMstill thinking and praying; my best to you all
Posted by: amelie at April 4, 2006 12:00 AMour thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Take care and give my love to the Viking Bride.
Posted by: caltechgirl at April 4, 2006 12:18 AMI've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm here if you need a shoulder.
I should note, right here, that I am confident that your darling wife and child will be just fine. And I think I can say that with some authority, given the fact that my pregnancy and your Viking Bride's are scarily similar in the end-game department.
It was *damned scary* at the time -- but you get through it. Peanut was 4 pounds 15 ounces when he decided to scare the hell out of us all -- and I'm cuddling a healthy 10 pound baby boy today.
It should also be noted that I was 4 pounds 15 ounces at MY birth -- six weeks early. I was skinny and early -- and haven't been either one since!
*wan smile*
Just know that we're here -- praying like mad and sending our healing love and light to you all.
Posted by: Margi at April 4, 2006 01:25 AMRP, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers as well!
Posted by: Oddybobo at April 4, 2006 10:00 AMFingers and toes crossed; happy thoughts being sent toward the second star on the right; prayers being prayed---we've got the bases covered. ;)
Take care of yourself so you can take care of everyone else. Much love to you, the kids and the Viking Bride.
Posted by: Kathy at April 4, 2006 10:42 AMI echo Jocelyns remarks, remember to try and get sleep yourself, and eat etc., because the constant travel and kids can run you completely ragged. I've been there and I empathize, although I'm sure you'll do better because you seem to be better at managing your time.
Again, waiting in anticipation, believing the best.
Posted by: Oorgo at April 4, 2006 11:46 AMBest wishes from Texas.
Posted by: David at April 4, 2006 01:37 PM